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Dashboard & Reports
New Single and Multi-Club Dashboards
New Single and Multi-Club Dashboards

Find out how to get the maximum potential in the reports section

Rosa avatar
Written by Rosa
Updated over a week ago

If you run more than one venue at your Club, you can now see all the metrics simultaneously 🙌

The vast majority of charts, figures and filters are exactly the same for both type of Clubs but the main different from the old view is that instead of having one single section with a lot of information regarding different aspects of your Club, you will have 4 subcategories to make the search easier:

🚨 Please keep in mind that the information reflected will be influenced by the filters you apply at the top:

To see each subcategory in more detail, please follow these links:

Single-Club vs Multi-Club Dashboard

The only main difference is that the Single-Club managers will be able to see data regarding only one Club and can use the Court filter that allows you to drill-down to a finer grade of detail. You can find below a short summary of the different views of both dashboards:



Multi Club



Administrative Area

Sub-Administrative Area




Split/Single Payment



Court Coverage

Court Size

Court Feature

☑️ In the Multi-club dashboard you will also be able to perform a location-based analysis, located at the bottom of the dashboard (scroll down after downloads, in Bookings and Revenue) . You can see charts that show the performance of your business going from the most granular figures (Club-level) to the most aggregated ones (Country-level). Let´s see some examples:

💬 If you do not find an answer, do not worry! 😊 you can always contact us in the live chat.

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