'Extra' products

Now you can sell more in each reservation or match!

Rosa avatar
Written by Rosa
Updated over a week ago

The new update of the Playtomic App brings one of the most demanded features: the possibility of adding 'Extras' in the process of booking a court or when a player joins a Match.

The 'Extras' can include the racket rental or the sale of a can of balls, grips or a bottle of water. Players will have the option to add them to their private booking or Match on the pre-payment screen. With this, as a club, you will be able to increase your product sales with a good margin!

Set up the Extras in your Club

As a manager, you have to enable this option for it to be shown in the Playtomic App.

We have created a new option in the main menu called 'Extras'.

  1. Click on Settings > Extras > New Extra and mark the options that will be shown to the player. Select on Add extras, fill the required gaps and save the changes clicking on Add extras:

2. The player cannot cancel the 'Extras' associated with a reservation or match. They must cancel the reservation or delete their spot from the game including the Extras.

To edit or delete an Extra simply click on the three dots next to the article:

How do I know if a player has added an Extra?

This will be the screen that the player will see when he/she wants to add an 'Extra' to their reservation or match. The app will inform him/her if another player has already purchased a unit of any extras.

If you want to know if a player has added an 'Extra' to the reservation just go to the reservation and you will see the added ‘Extras’ under the name of the player:

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