Chat option
Rosa avatar
Written by Rosa
Updated over a week ago

In every match, there is a chat room that will allow players to interact with each other and exchange messages freely.

This chat is also accessible from Playtomic Manager and therefore managers can communicate with all players. To do this, please click on to the match section, select a match and click on "Chat" (players will be able to see you have joined):

🚨 Please note you will receive a notification every time a player writes in the chat so it will be convenient that you give this permission to reception or the person who normally deals with matches. You can activate or deactivate the chat notifications in Settings>Manage Admins, click on the name of the person and then in Permissions:

Whenever a message is sent to a player, either by the manager or by another player, they will receive a push notification on their phone alerting them about a new message.

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