Friendly vs Competitive Open Matches

How competitive and friendly matches work

Rosa avatar
Written by Rosa
Updated over a week ago

When a player creates an open match Match in Playtomic, they can choose between two types:


☑️ Only players who are within the level requested inside the match can participate, but players who are out of range can request the spot, and they can participate if they are accepted by all the players in that match

☑️ The entry of results will ALWAYS change the level of the player (the former rule of 1 point between the player with the lowest level and the player with the highest level has been removed upon demand!)

☑️ It is intended for players who want to test themselves in competitive matches and want to improve their Playtomic level

☑️ When you open a match from Playtomic Manager, the match is "automatic". An automatic match is a competitive match created by the Manager. It is not possible to create friendly open matches from the Manager.


☑️ All players can join (the level range doesn't matter!)

☑️ The level of the players will NEVER be changed, even if the result is entered

☑️ It is intended for players who want to play for fun without worrying about the result and the competitiveness of a match

Please note that once the booking is confirmed, it is NOT possible to convert the open match from friendly to competitive or vice versa.

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