How to add/edit/remove Customers

Pushing the importance of creating a loyal clientbase

Giulio avatar
Written by Giulio
Updated over a week ago

Playtomic Manager is meticulously designed to streamline the operations of sports clubs, offering substantial time-saving benefits through the efficient management of the Customers' section.

Actions in the Customers' Section

In this section, the club can perform the following key actions:

1. Adding New Customers

Once registered, customers can be utilized to fill both existing and new reservations.

2. Creating Recurring Reservations

Effortlessly set up recurring reservations to streamline the booking process.

3. Managing Club Wallets

Empower users to make online payments with the management of Club wallets.

4. Creating Categories with Discounted Prices

Enhance user experience by establishing categories with special pricing.

5. Importing Users from Existing Databases

Seamlessly integrate users from your current database using a csv file.

Adding a Customer

To add your first customer in Playtomic Manager, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on "Customers" in the left-hand vertical menu.

  2. Click on the blu button labeled "+ New Customer".

  3. Fill in all the required details and then click "Save". Note that Full Name, email, phone, gender, and country are mandatory fields for registration.

⚠️ Important: If a customer is already registered as a verified user on Playtomic, ensure that all information entered matches their profile exactly to avoid a 403 error.

Editing a Customer

To edit information about a specific user, click on their full name in the list available in the Customers' section. A new window will open, allowing you to modify specific information (excluding verified users).

In the User panel, you will also have access to:

  • Reservation History of the User

  • Wallets: an overview of the Club's wallet balance and recent transactions

Deleting a Customer

To delete a specific customer, click on their full name in the first column of the list. Then, select the grey basket icon at the upper-right of the screen.

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