FAQs | Leagues

We answer the most frequently questions made by managers about Leagues

Giulio avatar
Written by Giulio
Updated over a week ago

🎾 Main concepts about leagues

  1. 💭 What is the initial state for the first round?

    It is next, and will change to upcoming as soon as the enrollment deadline has been reached or the league hasn’t expired due to min teams

  2. 💭Can teams manage the line-ups of the league?

    No, it hasn't been included yet

  3. 💭Can league information (teams name, groups and round) be customizable?

    Yes, you can edit most of the information in the Settings tab

  4. 💭Which are the round statuses?

    • Closed: once it has been played and it has been closed by the manager

    • Upcoming: you can move teams (drag & drop) before setting the match days, the calendar and run the round

    • Ongoing: the round being played

    • Next: new teams can join if the league is not full

    • Future: there is no teams, because it belongs to a future league and might be cancelled

    🎾League creation

  5. 💭Are we going to include customizable prices for memberships?

    No, at the moment, for the current version of leagues

  6. 💭Question: How does the gender restrictions work?

    • Open: no restrictions applied

    • Male: only men can join

    • Female: only women can sign up

    • Mixed: it demands a man and a woman (only aplicable for leagues in pairs)

  7. 💭How does the level restrictions work?

    • with a restrictive level range: a team could only join if the team level average (calculated from each player level) is within the league level range

    • with an informative level range: any team with different levels can sign in

  8. 💭Can a manager launch a league to be played in 2 Clubs or more?

    No, leagues can only be launched and played in one club

  9. 💭Can the league manager set more than 1 meeting by group and round?

    No, one meeting by group and round is the only option at the moment

  10. 💭Can the club manager launch a league for other sports rather than padel or tennis?

    No, padel and tennis league are the only options available at the moment

  11. 💭Can a club manager create a league by categories?

    No, you can create different leagues based on gender and levels, but not with different categories

  12. 💭Can a manager set a number of groups where teams will be moved up & down?

    No, teams to be moved up & down will always climb or descend 1 group. What you can do is to set the number of teams to move up and down (by default)

🎾Manage an ongoing league

  1. 💭Can managers cancel a league match?

    No, the only thing they could do is to reselect the matches on the calendar, from the schedule or from the match details on the league matches tab

  2. 💭Can managers edit league matches?

    Yes, you can reselect the match on the calendar

  3. 💭How will the rounds be run?

    Manually, managers will have to run a new round as soon as he/she understands that all the teams, their players, and their groups are fine and after setting the calendar for match days

  4. 💭When rounds will be closed?

    Manually, managers will have to close the current round as soon as he/she understands all the matches have been played and their results have been entered into the system

  5. 💭Can managers create a league booking manually?

    No, they can´t. They will only be able to reselect a league match on the calendar.

  6. 💭When can managers remove a team from the league?

    It is only possible when the current round is in status "next" or "upcoming"

  7. 💭When can managers change team players from the league?

    Only when the current round is "ongoing", "next" or "upcoming". In other words, players can not be removed in teams that belong to a “close” round

  8. 💭When can managers set the next match days calendar?

    Only when a round is in status "upcoming"

  9. 💭When can managers move a team from a group and/or resize groups?

    Only when the next round is in stage "upcoming" and the match days calendar has not been set yet

  10. 💭How will matches be arranged in the Schedule?

    They will be automatically arranged based on the league settings, match days calendar and the actual courts availability

  11. 💭What can players do from the app?

    • Join the league

    • Request a league spot (if the team does not match the level range required)

    • Leave the league (only before reaching the enrollment end date)

    • Contact match opponents or the league manager in the chat

  12. 💭How are teams merged in an upcoming round (by default)?

    When the league manager closes a round, teams from the already closed round are merged with the new teams that have joined the league this way (by default).

    Teams from the already closed round will move up and down according the league rules. New teams will appear in the upcoming round in the downer side of the teams list

  13. 💭How are teams ordered (by default)?

    Teams in the "Next" round are sorted by team enrollment date, but managers can divide them before running the new round in the upcoming stage. Besides, teams will be automatically sorted by level average as soon as the round changes its status to “upcoming”

  14. 💭 Can managers request the teams´ availability in order to custom the league match arrangements?

    No, but the player can see the league time frames in the league info

  15. 💭 Can managers block slots on the Schedule for a round before creating the final matches with their teams and players?

    No, matches will be automatically arranged on the Schedule once the new round is running. You can only block slots by using the recurring reservations feature, and remove those reservations before running from the new round

🎾Technical explanations about leagues

  1. 💭Which round can the players enroll in?

    New teams can always join the round in status “next” and only if the number of maximum of teams haven't been reached. Please remember that current teams are calculated as Teams in the ongoing round + Teams in the next round. If the league has an ongoing round or Teams in the upcoming round + Teams in the next round, if the league has an upcoming round.

  2. 💭Will players be able to leave the league from the app once the league has started?

    No, they won’t. The only date range they could leave the league is before reaching the enrollment deadline

  3. 💭Will partners (the 2nd player of the team) be able to leave the league from the app during the leaving time (if it is before the enrollment deadline)?

    No, they won’t, because it is like it works in tournaments. Only the main player could remove the team enrollment before reaching the enrollment deadline

  4. 💭 Points system explanation

    This hybrid points system allows the manager to set points by the match in 2 different approaches:

    • Spanish model”: this is the model that has been used typically in Spain for a long time, where the manager can set the points to give the teams if they win (playing 2 or 3 sets), lose (playing 2 or 3 sets), tie (incomplete score indeed), or even if they walk-over

    • “Sets model”: this model allows the manager set the points by set to give the teams in case the match has not a complete score

  5. 💭 Can the manager open a waiting list for the league?

    A waiting list can not be opened, but the player can join the league along with the competitions if the league is not full. Please remember that current teams are calculated as:

    • Teams in the ongoing round + Teams in the next round, if the league has an ongoing round.

    • Teams in the upcoming round + Teams in the next round, if the league has an upcoming round.

    Players will be informed about the number of round when they join

  6. 💭Can a player join a league that will be played in pairs and wait until the league manager finds a partner for him?

    No, a player can only join a doubles league selecting his/her partner

  7. 💭Is it possible to charge players in a regular way (for example monthly)?

    No, managers can only charge the player an up-front fee when joining the league

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